Building People
Building Communities
Building Businesses
PATH is community & economic development through entrepreneurship.
PATH is a program of Square Mile Community Development that facilitates small business development in neighborhoods challenged by poverty & unemployment. We provide low to moderate income individuals with the tools, coaching, and access to capital needed to transform their businesses and their communities.
Every entrepreneur or small business owner has a different set of skills and different needs that must to be met in order to be successful
PATH intentionally makes sure each client is able to access the resources in their community by crossing social & cultural boundaries with them
We focus on neighborhoods, communities, and individuals that face cultural, social, or economic challenges
We approach each individually holistically and work with them to resolve any personal roadblocks to achieving their version of success

Encourage and empower small business ownership in target communities
Strengthen clients and their businesses through skills development
Strengthen clients and their businesses through instruction in accessing community resources
Improve the economic viability of client businesses by providing access to seed or growth capital when appropriate
Develop & strengthen relationships between client businesses and established businesses in the area through mentorship and introductions
Strengthen the community identity among businesses in target communities
Develop more self-sufficient communities and increase the small business shopping options for community members

We are at the beginning of a great adventure in community focused entrepreneurship
Jan 2018. Four local banks & the AAF authorize initial funding
Jan 2019. First full program funded after successful pilot
Jun 2017. - Initial program developed. Community interest evaluated
Jan-Nov. 2018. Pilot program launches as a program of the Amarillo Area Foundation.
jan-Nov. 2019. First program season serves six new and four returning clients
Jan 2020. PATH Launches as a stand-alone program
You fit in here as part of our combined future.